
Yup...still here:)

Blah blah...been a bad blogger...blah blah...whatever.
I will make it up to you tomorrow.
As soon as the sun rises:)  I can take pictures.
Pictures of what you ask?  Pictures of Holiday stuff silly!
O.M.G. I have to tell you...I do love my new designs.
Noone can accuse me of cheaping out on the bling.
(not that anyone every has)
So.  Tomorrow...new goodies:)
Tonight.  Just fun stuff I have come across.

First I have to tell you.  I hate hate hate chipped nailpolish.
Now, of course I sport it from time to time...didn't say I didn't.
What I said was that I hated it.
I also seem to be a nail polish hoarder.
Yes.  I have enough nailpolish to stock one of those nail salons.
In fact...I was at one the other day and I thought to myself, I have a better
selection at home...why do I not bring my own color?
I work with my hands all day long. Looking down at them...all day long.
If they are a fun funky color...I swear to god, it makes me work faster;)
Right now...I am loving greens and silvers.

Seriously.  How can you not be happy looking at those?

Next I love all the jeggings I see everywhere.
Why? Because I so wish I could wear them with a regular tee and not make people wanna vomit.  So...since I can't do that...I will put my kids in them.
But again...not until November...when I don't have to worry about them passing out from heat.
These jeans from the gap...soooo cute.
I have to return Peyton's pair because apparently she is a stick bug and a regular skinny jean is wayyyyy to large on her.  No way is that child mine.

Next...this week...I love Halloween:)
Wheeee.  Love it.
And I love all the adorable costumes.
Peyton wanted to wear this with her best friend.
That was until her best friend wanted to drip blood on herself.
She is one of those kids that NEEDS to be scary on Halloween.
That is not Peyton.
A cute heart with little red converse...that's Peyton.
This costume...this is Peyton.
Who knows...maybe by Halloween she will have a new best friend!
Yikes.  Just jokes. I hope not.  We do adore the one she has now.
But creepy halloween costumes...we don't do.
For instance...this is what Peyton wants to be now.
No joke.  She wants to be big bird...but with pink converse.
Um.  Ok.  Ya.  

Ok...what else am I loving this week?
Actually...I have been loving it for the past 6 months.
I even took in some fabulous photos to my hair chick last time.
She told me that it is a stylists nightmare as they are trying to get rid of roots.
I think she isn't hip enough for me.
Sorry hair chickie.  I enjoyed talking to you...but when a stylist talks me out of what I want them to do...I don't like that.  If I say...chop it off and make it platinum (cough cough) I mean it.  I am a big girl...if I hate it after...it is my own fault.
So when I say give me 6 inch long roots...I mean it.
I will try this...probably sooner than later as I am bored.

Sure I don't look like Camilla...but my hair is about that length and well...ya never know.
The is the beauty of hair...if you hate it...change it. Plus, honestly...this is the perfect hair do for me...I wouldn't have to get my roots done for a year!

So it is now 10:15 and if I am not snoozing by 10:17...I am hooped in the morning.
I NEED my 8 hours to get me through my days.  I just do. I don't like to drag...I hate that feeling.  So I will leave you with these. 
Yup.  Miss Lyra lyra strikes again.


MSL Mobility Centre said...

You look like Kim Kardasian in those pictures! I'm presuming you are the one in the green top?! sorry, first time i've read your blog! xx

Anonymous said...

You and your daughters are so beautiful. I love your shirts! :)