
If you never listen to another word I say...

I keep forgetting to spread the word on this jacket. My sister gave me one for xmas in a blue/grey color and I swear on my Juicy hoodie collection that this is THE greatest thing to hit my wardrobe yet. Now...if you are Ms. Sophisticated lady...then stop reading now...BUT...if you are like me and live in comfy clothes...and think wearing a pair of Sevens is dressing up...then you and I...we are one! Anyways...I have the lululemon hoodies in about 10 different colors...yes I do...so what! BUT...this jacket...the lululemon savasana jacket...oh...my...god...you need one! I tell ya...the picture does not do this thing one bit of justice...honestly. This is the greatest jacket of all TIME! You can button the collar in about 18 different ways...ok...maybe not 18...but probably 5 or 6. It is just...well...it brings a tear to my eye. So now I need it in a different color. Ha.

update: ok...I lied...I don't have the jackets in 10 different colors...I have 14...14 freakin lulu jackets...geesh...it looks kinda bad when I write it down like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love love love lululemon!!