
3rd times a charm...yay...Baby Couture Mag again!

Can I even almost explain how much fun it is to just be routinely going to the mailbox to get the mail before sitting in the car pool line for half an hour only to find my favorite by monthly magazine in it. THEN...beyond the mere thought of reading something fun while sitting there waiting...but to get to page 58 and find your shirt right there...now that is FUN! Geesh. This is now the 3rd Baby Couture magazine I have been in! I had no idea. First it was the June/July issue...then the August/Sept issue...and now the I don't even know...the "Display until December" issue. THAT IS FUN! Ahh. Totally made my day. I feel like crap today because I have had a cold for 2 weeks. I have to pack for a quick trip to Canada this weekend...and I have orders coming out my ears. But let me tell you. This was the pick me up to get me through. Better than any cough medicine.

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Congratulations... how cool is that! All I have to read in the car pool line is bills and junk mail.

We have the same cold ~ it sucks. Hope you feel better soon.

I am addicted to you blog... I love it... although it's very bad for the pocketbook. :-)