Words cannot explain all I have going on right now.
Chicken without a head would best describe me today.
It started off with my having to take my 110 lb George to get a haircut...
and quickly spiraled out of control after that.
The dog groomer told me he was good.
I told her she was lying.
She said..."well...he is really strong"...HA.
So. Tons going on.
My email is not working.
I get emails in...cannot answer them on my computer.
Thank god for blackberries.
And my email is tied to my website.
Without email...I cannot post photos on my site.
See. Keeps getting better.
So I just listed 5 new tees.
All are very limited edition right now because I honestly do not have time
to figure out what I am doing...I will soon though.
I have a jammed packed weekend...but I know some of you were waiting for Alice tees.
Yes, I am aware that the movie opened today.
Trust me...I am sooo aware. My kids thought they were going after school to see it.
I never mentioned this to them.
I did mention that I need to hear some parent reviews of it because it does look kinda scary.
So if you see it this weekend...please come back and post a comment and tell me if
it is kid appropriate.
In the mean time. Here is the Alice tee.
I have a small handful of them.
If you would like one...you can purchase it here.
Like I mentioned...I cannot post a picture on my site because I am currently yanking my hair out trying to get my email server to work.
And Pookie Pot Pie...please shoot me an email with your mailing address as I believe I owe you an Alice:)
Another boat that I missed...almost.
St. Patty's day tees.
I promise there is still time.
Again. Very limited...and no...these are not available in any other stores.
Just on my site.
I told you I have stuff to work out.
If you would like a Kiss me I'm Irish tee...go here.
Now a couple fun tees that I wanted to do.
Happy Face tank...go here.
Yes...it is winking.
And last but definitely not least (because I will have a ton of other new designs)
I saw the midnight show and loved it. I wouldn't take your youngest if she gets scared easily. I just think some of the scenes might be a little too dark and scary for her.
ps. i just realized i didn't leave the size in the comment box on your site. I need a 2 plse and thank you so much.
Alice in Wonderland def. NOT kid friendly. Maybe okay for older children but younger, not so much. Movie is great though.
The shirt is super cute!!!
Hope you email and everything starts running smoother :)
I took my 3 & 7 yr old...they both LOVED it! The scary parts not so much "scary"...It was deliciously freaky. But what else would you expect from Tim Burton?!
loooooove the new version of cotton candy queen!
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