Its a good thing after this week that I still have my sense of humor.
First...let me just say that I am not usually a stressball.
I don't freak out.
I blame it on my slow reflexes. Ha.
This week started with issues and has ended with two big dings in my car door from my wonderful
trip to Wallyworld this morning. Man I hate Walmart. Hate it.
My hatred for it was totally sealed 7 years ago when I was super preggos and had a major
blood sugar low while waiting in the checkout line.
I passed out.
The cashier kept scanning my stuff. I remember her looking over the edge of the counter at me.
She did not say a word. Just kept scanning.
Then I crawled to the beverage fridge there that they have the checkouts.
I was still lying down...on the walmart.
I opened a coke to get some quick sugar.
It was then that she said, "ma' cannot take a drink until you pay for that."
Deep breathes.
Anyways. Today I was reminded of my hatred for it.
I have a jam packed weekend though.
I am afraid my stress level has not hit its peak yet.
Is it a bad thing that I was watching my dog...and my moms dog tug-o-waring and
I thought...that looks like a good stress reliever.
Sigh. Deep breathes. The dogs have been pretty funny actually. Small house. 4 dogs...lots of chasing. My kids have loved it. The mail lady has not.
So check these out. They are "nose cups" that I bought at Homegoods one day.
I have seen them before on the
Fred Flare website.
So funny.
This one was exceptionally funny.
You may or may not notice something familiar on this one.
NOW...she looks like me:)